Believe it or Not
According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls. (Source)
Life is a journey of never-ending plot twists.
When asked why I wanted to travel to South Korea I offered a few reasons: "I've never been to Asia," and "I want to present a song to my favorite K-Pop singer, XIA Kim Junsu."
Next stop was two-weeks in Suwon which was where my pop music "idol", XIA Kim Junsu was serving his mandatory military service. He was released on November 5th in 2018. It had been at least four years that I had been trying to establish some sort of connection. I was now in Korea and I had high hopes that finally I would succeed in my mission. Especially because he was stuck in one location!!! Well, I got as far as the front gate (the actual place you see in the video of his release). I went regularly. The gatekeepers assured me that my personal letters were hand-delivered into my idol's hands. I rejoiced that in the very least a seed had now been planted.
I'd been in Korea a month. Korea felt familiar to me. Perhaps it was due to the years prior to my arrival that I immersed in K-Dramas and K-Pop?
The underlying force that had pulled me here in the first place had not yet revealed itself until I reached my next destination, Busan.
Have you ever heard of soul (re) incarnation? I am far from expert on the topic of souls and soul incarnations and stuff of that matter. However, my own personal life experiences have confirmed, at least to me, the very real existence of such otherworldly phenomena. In this blog post I share as best I can my own evolution of thought based on my own life journey thus far. So do read to the very end.
August 14th marks the day that a portal into a deeper understanding of the very real existence of souls and soul reunification by way of incarnation was opened for me. Please take the time to visit the links I've provided in this blog. They are most informative.
Backtracking to my childhood I will share a few stories. This may raise a few eyebrows as to my sanity by some non-believers. Some may read this with curious fascination while others will cast a sigh of relief because they, too, have had similar experiences and know that what I am sharing is true.
Looking back I have come to realize that I have always known and felt intuitively the presence of other worlds or souls. I remember as a young child retreating to the back woods and having silent, perhaps telepathic conversations with someone in another realm. Some would call that an "imaginary friend". I would tend not to place a label on it.
Fast forward to 1986. My first born, Kheren Lillian z"l (May Her Memory Be a Blessing) died four days after birth. She was born prematurely in the seventh month. During pregnancy I had come to know her intuitively. I also knew intuitively that she wasn't going to make it. This is the first time I have admitted that out loud.
When Kheren Lillian died in the hospital she came to visit me in my hospital room. I remember that I was sitting up on my bed. I was looking upward towards the ceiling, the left corner. I was watching some kind of energy circling around above me. I knew it was Kheren. She had come to say good-bye. I watched her soul's energetic aura as it circled around until we were interrupted by the entrance of my mother-in-law who was clearly distraught. She had come to tell me that Kheren has passed. That was okay. I already knew that. I was simply upset because our final moments together had been interrupted.
The death of my firstborn was tragic and traumatic. I cried a lot and very deeply for a long time. I Somehow knew that I had to allow myself a mourning period for as long as I would need it. Healing and recovery took almost an entire year. Yes, the Jewish sages got it right. That is exactly the time needed to properly mourn the passing of a loved one.
Healing Therapies & Other Fun Stuff
In order to help me heal my mother sent me to a practitioner of the Paula Garbourg method. Please read up on it. The exercises I was taught triggered a unique response in me. I began to experience automatic speaking and writing. I offer the link but I suggest you do your own research to learn more. I also offer some insights from the blog below.
Auto writing is a spirit communication technique wherein one has to shut off one’s conscious mind and allow the spirit guides to take over. The soul is in an ovulite form - it only has an energy body and not the physical body. So the soul is not interested in the games our mind and body is playing. Rather all of us are merely energy. Unless you perceive yourself as energy this whole concept will not make sense to you. ...
We must understand that there is nothing eerie about auto writing. In fact it is a kind of meditation which involves clearing the mind and raising your energy. One does not need to dim the lights or light candles etc. to do this.
Souls are in a happier state than when they were in human form. They are constantly making an upward journey and finding closure only facilitates their path. (source)
It was in this way that I met my "guides" from the other realm. Through the writing they taught me many things about their world, my world and the physical world we live in. It was interesting and exciting, however, after some time I felt the need to close myself off. At that time the world was not open to such phenomena. In fact someone even recommended I see a psychologist! Well, I knew I wasn't crazy and was not about to waste my time and money on that. I did, however, create a block in my mind to those experiences and shut them out for the next ten years. I continued exploring such phenomena and over the years it became more acceptable to expose and talk openly about them.
In 1983 actress Shirley MacLaine had come out with her book, "Out on a Limb". A movie version was released in 1987 - a year after the birth and passing of my first child, Kheren.
"The book received both acclaim and criticism for its candor in dealing with such topics as reincarnation, meditation, mediumship (trance-channeling), and even unidentified flying objects. It made Shirley MacLaine the butt of many jokes, especially by late-night television comedians." (Source)
It was no joke however. Another book became very popular in 1984; You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. This book arrived at my doorstep some years after I had become a mother of two. It was included in a box of used children's books I had purchased at the time. It, and the original, You Can Heal Your Body, became my medical "bible".
Ten years later, in 1993, another book, The Celestine Prophecy, was making the bestseller list. It, too, dealt with otherworldly experience and phenomena.
Dreams Come True
My marriage ended in 1998. We're friends today - no worries! Around ten years after the passing of my first born my previously blocked intuitive connection to the other-world was suddenly reopened again.
One morning I awoke with a smile on my face and a very warm feeling inside. It felt as if I were being hugged by an aura of Love. My heart felt happy. I had just had a dream about meeting a young man who reached out his hand and said, "I can help you feel better". That morning I lingered a bit longer in bed enjoying the warm feeling and happy heart.
Around two days later I was in a local cafe with my two young children and a good friend. The friend brought me there because she wanted to introduce me to someone. She felt that we had common interests. The young man was working there as a waiter. When he approached our table my jaw dropped and my mouth fell open. This was the young man who had appeared in my dream! I was absolutely sure of it. My friend introduced us. Following a brief introduction the young man suggested we find a time to meet. I was reluctant to do so. I was stunned. Shocked. Even a bit frightened by this new reality. My friend asked me why I didn't want to meet him. I explained my situation. She then suggested I tell him about the dream. I didn't want to but she went ahead anyway and told him. He was curious. So I explained that I had recently seen him in my dream but that his hair was a bit longer in my dream. He replied that he had just gotten a haircut. I became even more anxious and was certainly now going to have nothing more to do with this young man. However, when I went to pay the bill he called out to me as I was leaving, "Have you ever read The Celestine Prophecy?" Well, that confirmed it. There are no coincidences. This was for real. I agreed to meet with him.
By the way... I highly recommend this website (Celestine Vision) for further understanding and exploration about coincidences and more.
At our first meeting in a public park he explained that people who have these unusual experiences are not crazy. In fact, they are regular people we meet in everyday life. They live normal routine lives and don't seem to be extra special in any way. I don't know why but upon hearing this I already felt calmer about the situation I now found myself in.
It turned out the young man was a massage therapist. He invited me for a session. I agreed. After all, in the dream hadn't he told me he could help me feel better?
I continued for more sessions. During the sessions I began to have visions. When I shared the "scenes" with the young man he was taken aback. Without disclosing his personal situation I will simply share that there were people in his life who had passed and were now trying to reach out to him. Apparently I was the one who was "chosen" to deliver their messages to him. I have no idea why and how but there it was.
It became clear that the visions I was "seeing" were scenes involving some of his beloved family members. This went on for a few sessions. Then one day the sessions ended. The young man had disappeared. He was not at home and not answering my calls. At this point I became restless. Something, or someone, from the other world was still tugging at me. I had one more message to deliver but how could I get it to him? Finally I wrote the message down on a piece of paper. I went to the young man's apartment and left the message at the door. That same moment I was freed from the attachment and the connection with the young man. I felt relieved.
Recurring Dreams & Energetic Zaps
When I was young, I believe in my teens, I had a recurring dream. I was on the top of a pink mountain that was speckled with green trees or some sort of shrubbery. It had the look of a bare pink mountain scattered with occasional clusters of green. People were regularly jumping off the top and bouncing their way down the mountain. Kind of like a trampoline. I could not make the jump. I didn't feel secure. I didn't feel safe. The mountain had a strange color and it looked thorny or prickly to me. Yeah, one doesn't have to be a psychologist to understand the implications of that dream!
Fast forward to the beginning years of the 21st century, sometime after the year 2000. I was living in New Hampshire and met a man with whom I began a professional relationship. The first time I met him I felt some sort of very strong energetic zap in my body. It felt like I had been struck by a lightning bolt. It surprised me. Actually this was the second time that I had felt a zap like that. The first time was when I was traveling in Montana in 1998. I was visiting a museum of American Indian culture when I felt a similar zap upon seeing an exhibit of a campfire site.
Backtracking again to 1997 in Israel. I had enrolled in a course to learn how to use the voice for healing; "Healing with the Voice" with Astar Shamir (now called "The Voice of Light"). During a session in which she was demonstrating the technique I had a complete vision of moving through a channel. The next scene showed an American Indian couple standing together adoring a newborn baby. They were dressed in traditional native attire. The woman was holding the baby in her arms. I wasn't sure if I was the baby or the woman! Either way it was an interesting and unique vision and experience. Astar interpreted the experience as a re-birth.
I'm recalling the events above because my next psychic encounter was while living in America and it involved someone who was actually part American Indian. I won't go into details for reasons of privacy, but it started with the first zap and continued, at least for me, as a very strong energetic connection. This went on for about three years. Ironically at some point I noticed a calendar that was hanging on a wall in the work-place. I was surprised to see that the photo looked just like the scene in my earlier recurring dream!! The photo was in black and white. Nevertheless it sure looked similar.
Interaction with that particular person was actually quite difficult for me. Still inexperienced with this kind of energetic connection I misinterpreted the zap as some sort of love zap. We can all credit Mr. Disney for providing us with such myths and unrealistic expectations about love relationships.
In any case I became quite immersed and very curious about the connection and was eager to engage. Sadly the feeling was not mutual. The inability to follow up left me very frustrated. I knew instinctively that there was something important to be learned if we could just allow the energies to flow between us. That was not to happen. In the third year I sought a way to cut the energetic cord or bond. I consulted a local spiritual healer, John Schulte (recommended!) who helped me to successfully cut the ties and go back to living a normal life!
I was zapped once again after that. Again I misinterpreted the zap as directing me into a love relationship. Again I was mistaken.
The third zap was when I saw Barack Obama campaigning. I was watching a report on the television after having been stuck in a traffic jam near my home where he had been speaking. The moment he appeared on the television I got one of those lightening zaps. By now I had learned that these zaps were definitely not about love! More likely they were warnings! Please note that I have no intention of making a political statement. I am simply recounting that by this time my radar was up and red flags were flying!
Open Channels
Over time I have learned more about energetic exchanges or Energetic Synchronicity. I've met and spoken with many people who work in this realm. My own experiences confirm that this is a real thing that affects us deeply on many levels including emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Most religions seem to include a mystical side that involves the presence of souls, spirits and the like. Energetic beings if-you-will. This may be more prominent in Eastern religions. However, I know that my own Jewish faith is very well versed in this sort of phenomena. The mystical side of Judaism is known as "Kabbalah". There is a wealth of information to be shared for those interested. I was interested!
Alternative Therapies
Professionally I was searching for a new musical path. I found it in 2003 after attending a lecture on Therapeutic Music. I enrolled in a course and became a Certified Clinical Musician. I've been using music as an energetic form of medicine since 2004. Practitioners in this line of work rely quite heavily on their intuition when providing this service to patients.
My mentor told me that I'm an "open channel". Here's an interesting website about that.
My intuition and sensitivities by now were quite developed yet still evolving, as was my knowledge and understanding of worlds beyond our imaginations! My work in Hospice and with the elderly afforded me glimpses into the real possibility of life in other dimensions, of other worlds, the afterlife, and of soul life. Over time I have become convinced that this is all very real. I have witnessed similar actions and behavior in those living their last lives. I have seen how Alzheimer's disease and various types of Dementia affect people. One theory is that people in transition are living between two worlds; the physical and the spiritual or energetic. That is why they sometimes seem to be conversing with people who we can't see but who are very real for our loved ones. Furthermore it is clear to me that one does not have to be ill, in transition, dying or mentally unsound in order to experience and/or access the energetic sphere.
Recently I visited two different museums, one in Baltimore, Maryland and one in Jerusalem. Both museums had Egyptian sarcophagus's on display. Both times, as I came closer to the displays, I felt an energy emanating from the coffin. I quickly backed away. I didn't like that feeling.
My work in hospice afforded me some unique experiences. Once, when I entered a room, a voice inside me warned me to leave quickly. I wasn't sure if I had "heard" correctly and so continued to approach the resident who was seemingly asleep in the bed. The voice shouted loudly inside my head this time, "Get out NOW!". I turned and walked quickly out the door. As I left the room a felt a cold chill run down my spine.
I once entered a room where the resident, who was in bed, was surrounded by three adult family members. The resident became restless stating it was time to go. The spouse tried to calm the resident down. The atmosphere in the room was tense and stagnant. It was clear that feelings were bottled up inside the family members as they continued to immerse in their own private activities. When I left the room I felt a wave of emotion overcome me as if I had been hit by a tsunami of feelings. I began to cry. It was an odd feeling because I, myself, was not sad but I was sobbing like a baby. Fortunately other staff members were close by. In the midst of tears and sobs I explained that I was quite fine except for the fact that I was crying and didn't know why. I later realized that I had somehow become the vessel for all the bottled up emotions in that room that had now found their release through me.
Believe It or Not
We cannot know for sure what exists beyond our physical reality. Trust and faith play a huge part in believing that souls travel through lifetimes, some even meet again to fulfill a particular purpose. On August 14th I met such a person; someone with whom I have apparently shared other lifetimes. The meeting again of our souls seems to be the reason or the "force" that I felt was pulling me to South Korea prior to my travels. The experience is exciting, joyous, loving, painful, extremely challenging and very worthwhile.
Should you find yourself in a similar situation that seems to involve soul incarnation, soulmates, twin souls or flames, you will find a wealth of material to inform and guide you. When two souls meet again it is because they have work to do both individually and together in order for their souls to grow. Their meeting will spark their souls to elevate to another level while their physical existence will help to evolve and raise the vibrations of the planet. Whatever the label and/or the purpose the existence of souls and soul incarnation is most definitely real.
Life is a journey of never-ending plot twists.
When asked why I wanted to travel to South Korea I offered a few reasons: "I've never been to Asia," and "I want to present a song to my favorite K-Pop singer, XIA Kim Junsu."
The truth is that, while those answers are absolutely true, there was another more subtle underlying reason. Something was pulling me there. A feeling, an energy, a force.... pulling me only to South Korea. I had no desire really to visit anywhere else in the region. Just South Korea. Why?
I arrived on July 13th at Incheon Airport in Seoul. I had just spent almost four months in Israel with family. It was a long flight even from Israel but I was prepared. I had done a lot of research. I knew what I had to do upon arrival. I took my time at the airport catching my breath while watching the travelers. I was simply taking the opportunity to acclimate to my new surroundings. There was no need to hurry. I was on my own and no-one was waiting there for me. I lingered for almost three hours at the airport. From the airport I took the subway and found my way to the apartment in Seoul where I would stay for two weeks.
The underlying force that had pulled me here in the first place had not yet revealed itself until I reached my next destination, Busan.
I arrived in the beautiful port city of Busan on August 9th. On August 14th my life changed possibly, and very likely forever while I was busking at Haeundae beach. My apologies to you that I cannot tell this story as yet. I will simply say that I was completely unprepared for what was to transpire and am still learning more every day. Therefore this story must wait to be told. However I will share my extraordinary life experiences that apparently have led up to this point in time.
Busan, South Korea
It was August 2018. I lived in a shared dormitory at the Homestay Language Institute while volunteering as an English teacher. The Homestay is a wonderful welcoming place. It quickly became my new home. The directors are kind and accommodating. They allowed me to create a personalized work schedule that enabled me to spend time busking at the Haeundae beach. I met all sorts of people and was even "discovered" by a local radio station and by a friendly and supportive journalist who writes for Korean celebrity magazines.
Soul Reincarnation?
Busan, South Korea
It was August 2018. I lived in a shared dormitory at the Homestay Language Institute while volunteering as an English teacher. The Homestay is a wonderful welcoming place. It quickly became my new home. The directors are kind and accommodating. They allowed me to create a personalized work schedule that enabled me to spend time busking at the Haeundae beach. I met all sorts of people and was even "discovered" by a local radio station and by a friendly and supportive journalist who writes for Korean celebrity magazines.
Soul Reincarnation?
Have you ever heard of soul (re) incarnation? I am far from expert on the topic of souls and soul incarnations and stuff of that matter. However, my own personal life experiences have confirmed, at least to me, the very real existence of such otherworldly phenomena. In this blog post I share as best I can my own evolution of thought based on my own life journey thus far. So do read to the very end.
August 14th marks the day that a portal into a deeper understanding of the very real existence of souls and soul reunification by way of incarnation was opened for me. Please take the time to visit the links I've provided in this blog. They are most informative.
Backtracking to my childhood I will share a few stories. This may raise a few eyebrows as to my sanity by some non-believers. Some may read this with curious fascination while others will cast a sigh of relief because they, too, have had similar experiences and know that what I am sharing is true.
Looking back I have come to realize that I have always known and felt intuitively the presence of other worlds or souls. I remember as a young child retreating to the back woods and having silent, perhaps telepathic conversations with someone in another realm. Some would call that an "imaginary friend". I would tend not to place a label on it.
As a teen I would often arrive home and, after exiting the car, I would gaze upwards to the night sky and say, "Take me home please". Well, I'm still here in earthly form. It's perfectly clear that one day I will indeed return to my energetic soul existence and to G-d. After all, nobody lives forever. Our physical bodies have limited life spans. I'll leave it at that. Feel free to do your own research on the subject. I recommend reading the book: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.
Kheren Lillian z"l
Kheren Lillian z"l
Fast forward to 1986. My first born, Kheren Lillian z"l (May Her Memory Be a Blessing) died four days after birth. She was born prematurely in the seventh month. During pregnancy I had come to know her intuitively. I also knew intuitively that she wasn't going to make it. This is the first time I have admitted that out loud.
When Kheren Lillian died in the hospital she came to visit me in my hospital room. I remember that I was sitting up on my bed. I was looking upward towards the ceiling, the left corner. I was watching some kind of energy circling around above me. I knew it was Kheren. She had come to say good-bye. I watched her soul's energetic aura as it circled around until we were interrupted by the entrance of my mother-in-law who was clearly distraught. She had come to tell me that Kheren has passed. That was okay. I already knew that. I was simply upset because our final moments together had been interrupted.
The death of my firstborn was tragic and traumatic. I cried a lot and very deeply for a long time. I Somehow knew that I had to allow myself a mourning period for as long as I would need it. Healing and recovery took almost an entire year. Yes, the Jewish sages got it right. That is exactly the time needed to properly mourn the passing of a loved one.
Healing Therapies & Other Fun Stuff
In order to help me heal my mother sent me to a practitioner of the Paula Garbourg method. Please read up on it. The exercises I was taught triggered a unique response in me. I began to experience automatic speaking and writing. I offer the link but I suggest you do your own research to learn more. I also offer some insights from the blog below.
Auto writing is a spirit communication technique wherein one has to shut off one’s conscious mind and allow the spirit guides to take over. The soul is in an ovulite form - it only has an energy body and not the physical body. So the soul is not interested in the games our mind and body is playing. Rather all of us are merely energy. Unless you perceive yourself as energy this whole concept will not make sense to you. ...
We must understand that there is nothing eerie about auto writing. In fact it is a kind of meditation which involves clearing the mind and raising your energy. One does not need to dim the lights or light candles etc. to do this.
Souls are in a happier state than when they were in human form. They are constantly making an upward journey and finding closure only facilitates their path. (source)
It was in this way that I met my "guides" from the other realm. Through the writing they taught me many things about their world, my world and the physical world we live in. It was interesting and exciting, however, after some time I felt the need to close myself off. At that time the world was not open to such phenomena. In fact someone even recommended I see a psychologist! Well, I knew I wasn't crazy and was not about to waste my time and money on that. I did, however, create a block in my mind to those experiences and shut them out for the next ten years. I continued exploring such phenomena and over the years it became more acceptable to expose and talk openly about them.
In 1983 actress Shirley MacLaine had come out with her book, "Out on a Limb". A movie version was released in 1987 - a year after the birth and passing of my first child, Kheren.
"The book received both acclaim and criticism for its candor in dealing with such topics as reincarnation, meditation, mediumship (trance-channeling), and even unidentified flying objects. It made Shirley MacLaine the butt of many jokes, especially by late-night television comedians." (Source)
It was no joke however. Another book became very popular in 1984; You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. This book arrived at my doorstep some years after I had become a mother of two. It was included in a box of used children's books I had purchased at the time. It, and the original, You Can Heal Your Body, became my medical "bible".
Ten years later, in 1993, another book, The Celestine Prophecy, was making the bestseller list. It, too, dealt with otherworldly experience and phenomena.
Dreams Come True
My marriage ended in 1998. We're friends today - no worries! Around ten years after the passing of my first born my previously blocked intuitive connection to the other-world was suddenly reopened again.
One morning I awoke with a smile on my face and a very warm feeling inside. It felt as if I were being hugged by an aura of Love. My heart felt happy. I had just had a dream about meeting a young man who reached out his hand and said, "I can help you feel better". That morning I lingered a bit longer in bed enjoying the warm feeling and happy heart.
Around two days later I was in a local cafe with my two young children and a good friend. The friend brought me there because she wanted to introduce me to someone. She felt that we had common interests. The young man was working there as a waiter. When he approached our table my jaw dropped and my mouth fell open. This was the young man who had appeared in my dream! I was absolutely sure of it. My friend introduced us. Following a brief introduction the young man suggested we find a time to meet. I was reluctant to do so. I was stunned. Shocked. Even a bit frightened by this new reality. My friend asked me why I didn't want to meet him. I explained my situation. She then suggested I tell him about the dream. I didn't want to but she went ahead anyway and told him. He was curious. So I explained that I had recently seen him in my dream but that his hair was a bit longer in my dream. He replied that he had just gotten a haircut. I became even more anxious and was certainly now going to have nothing more to do with this young man. However, when I went to pay the bill he called out to me as I was leaving, "Have you ever read The Celestine Prophecy?" Well, that confirmed it. There are no coincidences. This was for real. I agreed to meet with him.
By the way... I highly recommend this website (Celestine Vision) for further understanding and exploration about coincidences and more.
At our first meeting in a public park he explained that people who have these unusual experiences are not crazy. In fact, they are regular people we meet in everyday life. They live normal routine lives and don't seem to be extra special in any way. I don't know why but upon hearing this I already felt calmer about the situation I now found myself in.
It turned out the young man was a massage therapist. He invited me for a session. I agreed. After all, in the dream hadn't he told me he could help me feel better?
I continued for more sessions. During the sessions I began to have visions. When I shared the "scenes" with the young man he was taken aback. Without disclosing his personal situation I will simply share that there were people in his life who had passed and were now trying to reach out to him. Apparently I was the one who was "chosen" to deliver their messages to him. I have no idea why and how but there it was.
It became clear that the visions I was "seeing" were scenes involving some of his beloved family members. This went on for a few sessions. Then one day the sessions ended. The young man had disappeared. He was not at home and not answering my calls. At this point I became restless. Something, or someone, from the other world was still tugging at me. I had one more message to deliver but how could I get it to him? Finally I wrote the message down on a piece of paper. I went to the young man's apartment and left the message at the door. That same moment I was freed from the attachment and the connection with the young man. I felt relieved.
Recurring Dreams & Energetic Zaps
When I was young, I believe in my teens, I had a recurring dream. I was on the top of a pink mountain that was speckled with green trees or some sort of shrubbery. It had the look of a bare pink mountain scattered with occasional clusters of green. People were regularly jumping off the top and bouncing their way down the mountain. Kind of like a trampoline. I could not make the jump. I didn't feel secure. I didn't feel safe. The mountain had a strange color and it looked thorny or prickly to me. Yeah, one doesn't have to be a psychologist to understand the implications of that dream!
Fast forward to the beginning years of the 21st century, sometime after the year 2000. I was living in New Hampshire and met a man with whom I began a professional relationship. The first time I met him I felt some sort of very strong energetic zap in my body. It felt like I had been struck by a lightning bolt. It surprised me. Actually this was the second time that I had felt a zap like that. The first time was when I was traveling in Montana in 1998. I was visiting a museum of American Indian culture when I felt a similar zap upon seeing an exhibit of a campfire site.
Backtracking again to 1997 in Israel. I had enrolled in a course to learn how to use the voice for healing; "Healing with the Voice" with Astar Shamir (now called "The Voice of Light"). During a session in which she was demonstrating the technique I had a complete vision of moving through a channel. The next scene showed an American Indian couple standing together adoring a newborn baby. They were dressed in traditional native attire. The woman was holding the baby in her arms. I wasn't sure if I was the baby or the woman! Either way it was an interesting and unique vision and experience. Astar interpreted the experience as a re-birth.
I'm recalling the events above because my next psychic encounter was while living in America and it involved someone who was actually part American Indian. I won't go into details for reasons of privacy, but it started with the first zap and continued, at least for me, as a very strong energetic connection. This went on for about three years. Ironically at some point I noticed a calendar that was hanging on a wall in the work-place. I was surprised to see that the photo looked just like the scene in my earlier recurring dream!! The photo was in black and white. Nevertheless it sure looked similar.
Interaction with that particular person was actually quite difficult for me. Still inexperienced with this kind of energetic connection I misinterpreted the zap as some sort of love zap. We can all credit Mr. Disney for providing us with such myths and unrealistic expectations about love relationships.
In any case I became quite immersed and very curious about the connection and was eager to engage. Sadly the feeling was not mutual. The inability to follow up left me very frustrated. I knew instinctively that there was something important to be learned if we could just allow the energies to flow between us. That was not to happen. In the third year I sought a way to cut the energetic cord or bond. I consulted a local spiritual healer, John Schulte (recommended!) who helped me to successfully cut the ties and go back to living a normal life!
I was zapped once again after that. Again I misinterpreted the zap as directing me into a love relationship. Again I was mistaken.
The third zap was when I saw Barack Obama campaigning. I was watching a report on the television after having been stuck in a traffic jam near my home where he had been speaking. The moment he appeared on the television I got one of those lightening zaps. By now I had learned that these zaps were definitely not about love! More likely they were warnings! Please note that I have no intention of making a political statement. I am simply recounting that by this time my radar was up and red flags were flying!
Open Channels
Over time I have learned more about energetic exchanges or Energetic Synchronicity. I've met and spoken with many people who work in this realm. My own experiences confirm that this is a real thing that affects us deeply on many levels including emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Most religions seem to include a mystical side that involves the presence of souls, spirits and the like. Energetic beings if-you-will. This may be more prominent in Eastern religions. However, I know that my own Jewish faith is very well versed in this sort of phenomena. The mystical side of Judaism is known as "Kabbalah". There is a wealth of information to be shared for those interested. I was interested!
Alternative Therapies
Professionally I was searching for a new musical path. I found it in 2003 after attending a lecture on Therapeutic Music. I enrolled in a course and became a Certified Clinical Musician. I've been using music as an energetic form of medicine since 2004. Practitioners in this line of work rely quite heavily on their intuition when providing this service to patients.
My mentor told me that I'm an "open channel". Here's an interesting website about that.
My intuition and sensitivities by now were quite developed yet still evolving, as was my knowledge and understanding of worlds beyond our imaginations! My work in Hospice and with the elderly afforded me glimpses into the real possibility of life in other dimensions, of other worlds, the afterlife, and of soul life. Over time I have become convinced that this is all very real. I have witnessed similar actions and behavior in those living their last lives. I have seen how Alzheimer's disease and various types of Dementia affect people. One theory is that people in transition are living between two worlds; the physical and the spiritual or energetic. That is why they sometimes seem to be conversing with people who we can't see but who are very real for our loved ones. Furthermore it is clear to me that one does not have to be ill, in transition, dying or mentally unsound in order to experience and/or access the energetic sphere.
Recently I visited two different museums, one in Baltimore, Maryland and one in Jerusalem. Both museums had Egyptian sarcophagus's on display. Both times, as I came closer to the displays, I felt an energy emanating from the coffin. I quickly backed away. I didn't like that feeling.
My work in hospice afforded me some unique experiences. Once, when I entered a room, a voice inside me warned me to leave quickly. I wasn't sure if I had "heard" correctly and so continued to approach the resident who was seemingly asleep in the bed. The voice shouted loudly inside my head this time, "Get out NOW!". I turned and walked quickly out the door. As I left the room a felt a cold chill run down my spine.
I once entered a room where the resident, who was in bed, was surrounded by three adult family members. The resident became restless stating it was time to go. The spouse tried to calm the resident down. The atmosphere in the room was tense and stagnant. It was clear that feelings were bottled up inside the family members as they continued to immerse in their own private activities. When I left the room I felt a wave of emotion overcome me as if I had been hit by a tsunami of feelings. I began to cry. It was an odd feeling because I, myself, was not sad but I was sobbing like a baby. Fortunately other staff members were close by. In the midst of tears and sobs I explained that I was quite fine except for the fact that I was crying and didn't know why. I later realized that I had somehow become the vessel for all the bottled up emotions in that room that had now found their release through me.
Believe It or Not
We cannot know for sure what exists beyond our physical reality. Trust and faith play a huge part in believing that souls travel through lifetimes, some even meet again to fulfill a particular purpose. On August 14th I met such a person; someone with whom I have apparently shared other lifetimes. The meeting again of our souls seems to be the reason or the "force" that I felt was pulling me to South Korea prior to my travels. The experience is exciting, joyous, loving, painful, extremely challenging and very worthwhile.
Should you find yourself in a similar situation that seems to involve soul incarnation, soulmates, twin souls or flames, you will find a wealth of material to inform and guide you. When two souls meet again it is because they have work to do both individually and together in order for their souls to grow. Their meeting will spark their souls to elevate to another level while their physical existence will help to evolve and raise the vibrations of the planet. Whatever the label and/or the purpose the existence of souls and soul incarnation is most definitely real.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog entry. You shared many personal insights but still left me wondering if there was a point. You didn’t really explain why you went to South Korea or the meanings of your mysterious meetings with various people. I am really curious, why Korea?
I gather that you are enjoying the experience and letting go of some parts of your life that have haunted you for years. Kudos.