That Stuff about Twin Souls....

   This post is a continuation of my post called "Believe it or Not". I have spent time learning more about the phenomenon called "Twin Souls", which is not at all the same as a "Soulmate".  Most of us buy into the Disney-implanted ideal of a romantic counterpart who will coming riding on a white horse to steal our hearts away. Or maybe Cinderella and Prince Charming? I have to admit that I resent the existence of these fantasies and myths that Disney has made his fortune on. But hey, that's not the subject of this posting! 

   We cannot know for sure what exists beyond our physical reality. Trust and faith play a huge part in believing that souls travel through lifetimes, some even meet again to fulfill a particular purpose. I recently met such a person; someone with whom, we both agreed, we have apparently shared other lifetimes. The meeting again of our souls seems to be the reason or the "force" that I felt was pulling me to South Korea prior to my travels. That was just the beginning. The experience is exciting, joyous, loving, painful, extremely challenging and very worthwhile. Should you find yourself in a similar situation that seems to involve soul incarnation, soulmates, twin souls or flames, you will find a wealth of material to inform and guide you. I am not going to use this post to delve into all the details about this otherworldly stuff. I will leave it to you to follow some links that I've provided here and then to follow up according to whatever seems to speak to you best. 

   I will, however, share that interaction with a twin soul is more likely the furthest thing from the Disney idea of romance. Yes, there is love involved. It's a profound indescribable feeling that rests deeply in your soul. It's unconditional and eternal even if the two are separated by oceans and continents. What I have learned so far is that when twin souls meet again it is because they have work to do, both individually and together, in order for their souls to grow. Their meeting will spark their souls to elevate to another level and in so doing will help to raise the vibrations of the planet. Whatever the label and/or the purpose the existence of souls and soul incarnation is most definitely real. It is also one of the most challenging relationships you may ever find yourself in. Dare I say it? Be careful what you wish for!

   Many of my Jewish friends are concerned about whether this phenomenon exists in Judaism. To calm them, and to calm myself (!), I took the time to do some research. I'm no expert about this whole thing so I highly recommend doing your own research too. I will share a few links to some articles that can lend some insight about the Jewish perspective. From what I can tell this information from both worlds (Jewish and not) seem to have much in common. 

   This first link is from CHABAD. Similarities include for example (using different  vernacular of course!): 

   The seed of light that establishes the soul comes from chesed and gevura of daatChesedis the male aspect and gevura is the female aspect. The souls also issue from the union of Zeir Anpin with Malchut, and these are also male and female counterparts in the spiritual world.
   And when the souls issue forth [from the treasury of souls in malchut], they emerge as male and female, and after [they have descended to the physical world] each separates and goes its own way.
... If a person merits [through behavior worthy of his soul] they join together [again] as one unit. His wife is his true soul mate [meaning they actually are the male and female aspects of the one soul]. They join together as one unit in everything, in spirit and in body.  
   Rabbi David Cooper offers a very extensive description about twin souls from the Jewish perspective. Also similar to the non-Jewish POV: 

   The Zohar teaches that before God sends souls into the world, they are formed into male and female pairs. Then they are placed in the hands of an emissary, named Night, who has charge of conception. The pair is separated and each is taken down to be born in his or her time. The Zohar goes on to say that these souls are rejoined by God at the right time into one body and one soul.

   This article helps us understand the Jewish view about the soul in general. 

   I know that there is probably a greater interest in reading more about my own life experiences but at this time this is all I am able to share. I hope it's helpful! 


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